iPhones are undoubtedly some of the most recognizable and desirable mobile devices on the market. Every year Apple introduces new models that try to meet the growing expectations of users. In 2023, the iPhone 15 debuted on the market, and in 2024 its successor, the iPhone 16. For many users who are thinking about choosing a new phone, the decision between these two models can be difficult. Therefore, we decided to compare the two phones to help you decide which model would be a better choice.

Apple Pencil is one of the most functional iPad accessories that allows you to precisely draw, annotate and edit documents. If you're just getting started with Apple Pencil, you may be wondering how to connect and configure it. The pairing and charging process varies depending on the generation of the stylus, but both versions are easy to use and provide an intuitive user experience. In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to connect Apple Pencil 1. i 2. generations to compatible iPads.

Właściciele iPhone’ów to wymagające osoby. Wybierają najlepsze możliwe technologie i świetny design – i nie chcą iść na kompromisy.
Właśnie dlatego doskonałym pomysłem na prezent dla takich osób będą oryginalne akcesoria Apple, które zwiększają funkcjonalność, podkreślają styl i poprawiają komfort użytkowania ulubionego telefonu.